There are two kinds of ticks.
The hard tick, which have a shielded-like plate or scutum on the back of the body and a protruding capitulum composed of mouthparts that is prominently visible at the front of the body.
The soft tick, which do not have a scutum, and the cuticle is wrinkled and granulated. The capitulum (mouthparts) in nymphs and adults is situated under the front of the body and may not be visible from the above.
Did you know….
… An adult tick may live without food for 200 days?
Why we want them treated: Some ticks, but not all, transmit diseases. And their bites may cause secondary infection. The common dog tick transmits canine piroplasmosis to dogs. And they’re annoying and cause itching to our canine friends!
Services offered to address their presence: General Pest Control